2005-08 Ph.D, University of York, UK
Research Area of Interest
Bio-Inspired Computation, Intelligent System Design, Smart Grid Technologies, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Computational Development, Artificial Neural Networks, Control systems, Non-linear problems, System on Chip, Forecasting and estimation problems, Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming, ASICs, Pattern Recognition, Neural development, AI Games, Automatic design of circuits and systems, Image processing, Computer vision, Robotics, Wireless sensor networks, Evolvable hardware, Error correction coding, Digital Communication systems.
Taught Courses
Graduate Level: Intelligent System Design, Bio-Inspired Computation, Advance Digital System Design, Micro-wave Engineering, Power Electronics, Information Coding and Theory. Undergraduate Level: Introduction to DSP, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessor Based System Design, Basic Electrical Engineering, Electronic Circuits-I & II, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Communication Systems.
Thesis Supervision: PhD
Engr. Arbab Masood: Bio-Signal Processing, Engr. Maryam Mahsal Khan: Design of Intelligent Controllers for Linear/Non-Linear and Morkovian/Non-Morkovian problems. MS: Engr. Zulfiqar Ahmad: Design of Optimal circuit for Load forecasting Engr. Abdur- Rehman: Hand written character Recognition using Computational Intelligence Techniques. Engr. Shahid Khan: Estimation of Effect of weather parameters on Electrical Load using Cartesian Genetic Programming based Artificial Neural Networks.
Collaborative Research
Working with Dr. S.A. Mehmud (Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering) on "Real time multimedia traffic estimation using Computational Intelligence techniques" And "Traffic Congestion and Violation control using Wireless Sensor Networks.". Dr. Shahid Bashir (Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering) on "The optimal design of Patch antenna using Un-conventional design techniques". Dr. Khan Muhammad (Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering) on "Estimation of the optimal data parameters to reduce the unwanted effects of blasting mines using Computational Intelligence Techniques" Dr. M. Imran, (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering) on "Cost Effective design of Shell and Tube for Heat Exchangers using Computational Intelligence Techniques". Research Projects Submitted for Funding: Implementing Prototype for Automated cotton purification process in textile industries (approved 0.40 Million) Autonomous Situation Based Alerts Using Wireless Sensor Networks (approved- 0.42 Million) Design and implementation of a Prototype for a Secure Billing Framework with Real Time Detection of Malicious End Node Connections using Wireless Sensor Networks to Curb Electricity Theft (Approved: 13.83 Millions) A Secure and Intelligent Transportation System Using Wireless Sensors for Congestion Control (Approved: 11.7 Millions)
"Evolution of Artificial Neural Development" to be published in Springer at the End of this year.
List of Publications
1. "Exploiting Developmental Plasticity in Cartesian Genetic Programming", Fahad Ullah, G.M. Khan, S.A.Mahmud, IEEE Symposium on Computer and Informatics (ISCI 2012), in press.
2. "M2M Communication in Smart Grids: Implementation Scenarios and Performance Analysis", Abdul Salam, S.A.Mahmud, Gul Muhammad Khan, IEEE WCNC 2012 IoT-ET, 2012, in press.
3. "Polymorphic Circuit Design for Speedy Handwritten Character Recognition Using Cartesian Genetic Programming", Abdul Rehman, Gul Muhammad Khan, 9TH International conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT-2011, In press, 2011.
4. "Current and Future Trends in Smart Grid based Implementations and Solutions", A.R. Khattak, S. A. Mahmud, Gul Muhammad Khan, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, ISSN: 1540-7977, In press, 2011.(Impact Factor= 1.87)
5. "Developmental Plasticity in Cartesian Genetic Programming Artificial Neural Networks", Gul Muhammad Khan, Maryam Mahsal Khan, Julian F. Miller, 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2011), Nordwijkerhout, The Netherland (Nominated for Best Paper Award), 449-458.
6. "Short-Term Daily Peak Load Forecasting Using Fast Learning Neural Network", Gul Muhammad Khan, Shahid Khan, Fahad Ullah, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA'2011.
7. "Where is the Brain inside the Brain? On Why Artificial Neural Networks should be Developmental", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, International Journal of Memetic Computing, Volume 3, Number 3, 217-228, 2011.
8. "Evolution of Cartesian Genetic Programs for Development of Learning Neural Architecture", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F. Miller, David M. Halliday, Journal of Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 19, No. 3: 469–523., 2011. (Impact Factor: 2.630)
9. "Fast Learning Algorithm for Artificial Neural Networks using Cartesian Genetic Programming", Gul Muhammad Khan, Maryam Mahsal Khan, Julian F. Miller, Submitted to Journal of NeuroComputing, 2011.
10. "CGP Developmental Network", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian Francis Miller, Book Chapter, Cartesian Genetic Programming, 1st Edition, Natural Computing Series, 255-291, ISBN 978-3-642-17309-7, 2011.
11. "Learning Games using Single Developmental Neuron", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, In proceedings of the Artificial Life XII: Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 2010, 634-641.
12. "Solving Mazes using an Artificial Developmental Neuron", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, In proceedings of the Artificial Life XII: Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Odense, Denmark, 2010, 241-8.
13. "Efficient representation of Recurrent Neural Networks for markovian/non-markovian non-linear control problems", Gul Muhammad Khan, Maryam Mahsal Khan, Julian F. Miller: ISDA 2010: 615-620.
14. "Evolution of Neural Networks using Cartesian Genetic Programming", Gul Muhammad Khan, Maryam Mahsal Khan, Julian F.Miller, In proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2010, pages: 1-8.
15. "Evolution of Optimal ANNs for Non-Linear Control Problems Using Cartesian Genetic Programming", Gul Muhammad Khan, Maryam Mahsal Khan, Julian F.Miller, In proceedings of the WORLDCOMP'10 - The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, 2010, pages: 339-346.
16. "Intelligent agents capable of developing memory of their environment", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian Francis Miller, and David M. Halliday, Book chapter on ADVANCES IN MODELING ADAPTIVE AND COGNITIVE SYSTEMS, pages 77-114, ISBN 978-85-7395-194-3, 2010.
17. "A Novel Neuro-Evolutionary algorithm: Cartesian genetic programming evolved artificial neural network (CGPANN)", Maryam Mahsal Khan, Gul Muhammad Khan, Frontiers of Information Technology, 2010: 48.
18. "In Search of Intelligent Genes: The Cartesian Genetic Programming Computational Neuron (CGPCN)", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F. Miller and David Halliday, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press (2009) 574-581.
19. "Evolution of Cartesian Genetic Program Capable of Learning", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'09), ACM (2009) 707-714. (Nominated best paper).
20. "Coevolution of Neuro-developmental Programs That Play Checkers", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F Miller, David M Halliday, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Evolvable Systems from Biology to Hardware, ISSN: 0302-9743, Vol: 5216, 2008, 352-362. (Impact Factor=0.406)
21. "Breaking the Synaptic Dogma: Evolving a Neuro-inspired Developmental Network", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, and David M.Halliday, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), 5361/2008, Simulated Evolution and Learning, 10.1007/978-3-540-89694-4, 2008, 978-3-540-89693-7, 10.1007/978-3-540-89694-42, 11-20, Thursday, December 11, 2008. (Impact Factor=0.406)
22. "Developing Neural Structure of Two Agents that Play Checkers Using Cartesian Genetic Programming", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, and David M.Halliday, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late breaking paper (2008) 2169-2174.
23. "Emergent Instinctive Behaviour in Evolved Neuro-inspired Agents", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, and David M.Halliday, Proceedings of Modeling Adaptive and Cognitive Systems (ADAPCOG-2008) at SBIA/SBRN/JRI Joint Conference in brazil.
24. "Co-evolution of intelligent agents using Cartesian genetic programming", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F. Miller, and David M. Halliday, Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Pages: 269 - 276, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-59593-697-4.
25. "A developmental model of neural computation using Cartesian genetic programming", Gul Muhammad Khan, Julian F.Miller, and David M. Halliday, Proceedings of the 2007 GECCO conference companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Pages 2535-2542, 2007, ISBN:978-1-59593-698-1.